Experience Excellence in Customer Service! Why pay for anything less?
A-Line provides immediate delivery and live customer support 24/7/365!
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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Customized Delivery Services
From fuel efficient vehicles, Cargo Vans, to Box Trucks. Ask us about our Next Flight Guarantee Service (NFG)
Trained to safely handle blood borne pathogens, equipped with Bio-Hazardous spill kits and licensed to carry small amounts of Bio-Hazardous materials.
Setup an Account for Fast Order Entry, Track your Delivery (GPS), Customized Reporting, Create Labels, Billing Invoices & Statements. Receive 40% off our Emergency/Delivery rates when order On-Line.
Professional Delivery Service
A-Line Messenger Service believes that each customer has intricate needs and we see each new need as an opportunity to improve our operations to better satisfy our clients' requirements and surpass their expectations as their express delivery service provider.
Please see some of the following Key Points in choosing A-Line for your delivery service needs.
- A-Line Drivers are Employees (no Independent Contractors).
- Fully uniformed with ID badges. Licensed and fully Insured
- Secure MDM Mobile Device Management Tablet field interface for delivery instructions, pickup and delivery data, photographs, recorded voice and text communications with our central dispatch station.
- Vaccinated for MMR, Hepatitis-B, and TB screened.
- Background checked and drug tested.
- HIPAA and CAL OSHA trained.
- Licensed to carry small amounts of bio-hazardous waste and properly handle blood borne pathogens.
- All stops are electronically time stamped and GPS tracked. Data includes arrival and departure of pickup and delivery time stamps. We provide photographs of the items at pickup and delivery with piece counts, and description of items carried. We also provide first name and last initial and relationship/position in lieu of signatures. Legal Documents requiring signatures are available as well upon request
- Home Health delivery requests are further verified at pickup and delivery for full patient name and medical record number and kept in HIPAA compliance. These deliveries are completed with an identification check via telephone requiring the last for numbers of the patients Medical Record Number and the recipients’ relationship to the patients. These procedures and many others are implemented to ensure the integrity of each delivery.
- Any time delays of 30 minutes or more are communicated to the pickup and/or the delivery locations with a new Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) should any unforeseen delays such as traffic and weather.
- Packages should be prepared for shipment. However additional packaging supplies such as a box, styrofoam container, envelope wet/dry ice can be made available upon request.